Ideas from Everyone: Downtown Boston

The “Ideas from Everyone” series is a collection of proposals and fantasy maps contributed by other transit fans that I personally find interesting. For a full index with ideas on all topics, see here.

This post includes proposals for Downtown Boston. In principle, they’re mostly about buses and new rapid transit routes; for ideas specific to a single rapid transit line, see their respective pages. (However, some line-specific proposals may be cross-listed here.)

Last updated: February 27, 2024

Downtown Bus Priority Corridors

While the MBTA and the City of Boston have been planning for an official multimodal corridor from North Station to Seaport, many transit fans take a step further and consider adding even more bus priority corridors around downtown.

Discussions of downtown bus priority corridors (Feb 2024), and later comments

This is a series of proposals and comments:

North Station – South Station – Seaport Corridor

These are fan-made proposals loosely based on the official North Station — Seaport bus corridor. Some of them may have been developed independently of the official proposal.

The Navy Line: a new BRT line for Boston (RailsRoadsRiverside)